We have Regular Courses and Special Courses at PLanguage. 📖
1. Regular Course
- This course is divided into 6 levels from Korean Level 1 to 6(Please refer to TOPIK levels 1-6 to find the adequate level for you!). If you would like to improve your Korean step by step, or if you’re preparing for TOPIK, this course is for you.
2. Special Course < Coming Soon >
- We are currently planning this customized course to meet each learner’s needs such as Travel Korean, Business Korean, Academic Korean, Drama Korean etc. If you want to travel, do business, or study in Korea, we have the right class for you. If you only want to watch Korean dramas, we also have the right class for you! If you have a specific purpose to study Korean, let us know and we can discuss a course for you.
If you don’t know which level you are, please contact us via any of the methods mentioned mentioned above. Our Korean expert will contact you shortly to help choose the right class for you.
Contact Us
For any general questions or inquiries about our lessons, fill out and submit this form.
You can contact PLanguage in the following ways.
* Inquiry Chat : Please look on the lower-right of the screen for the "Inquiry Chat" button.
* E-mail: pl@play-language.com
* WhatsApp: +821063590214
* KakaoTalk: PLanguage(KakaoTalk ID)
* Inquiry Form: Please fill out the form at the VERY bottom of the page and press Submit.
We will reply to you as soon as we can.
However, a reply may take 1-2 business days.😊
A free Trial class is conducted in the same way as regular classes.
Everyone will be able to try our classes one time for free,
so if you are interested, come on and sign up!
👉 Apply for a free trial now!
Errors might sometimes occur with global transactions.
In that case, please contact us and we will assist you with the process.
You can contact us through any of the options mentioned above.
You don’t have to worry about it at all! 😎
Your Korean teacher is an expert and will guide you all the way in the Metaverse.
Just follow him/her and you will not have any problems.
There is also a ‘Captain’ to help you out when you encounter any technical difficulties.
Just call out ‘Captain’!
We have Regular Courses and Special Courses at PLanguage. 📖
1. Regular Course
- This course is divided into 6 levels from Korean Level 1 to 6(Please refer to TOPIK levels 1-6 to find the adequate level for you!). If you would like to improve your Korean step by step, or if you’re preparing for TOPIK, this course is for you.
2. Special Course < Coming Soon >
- We are currently planning this customized course to meet each learner’s needs such as Travel Korean, Business Korean, Academic Korean, Drama Korean etc. If you want to travel, do business, or study in Korea, we have the right class for you. If you only want to watch Korean dramas, we also have the right class for you! If you have a specific purpose to study Korean, let us know and we can discuss a course for you.
If you don’t know which level you are, please contact us via any of the methods mentioned mentioned above. Our Korean expert will contact you shortly to help choose the right class for you.