PLanguage Korean

PLanguage Korean

Learn to speak Korean
like a mother tongue with PLanguage. 

Why is it difficult to learn a foreign language?
It is because we are studying it not as ‘a tool to express things and understand others’, but as ‘a way to accumulate knowledge in the head.’

At PLanguage Lab, we believe that a foreign language should be communicatively effective as how languages work in
real life. To do so, we should learn the language the way we learned our native language. This is why the PLanguage Lab is developing our very own methods of learning. We are also creating various effective language courses based on different teaching theories such as The Natural Approach, Total Physical Response, and  Communicative Language Teaching.

In order to improve learner’s language competence effectively and systematically, our L.Docs(Linguistic Doctors) and G.Docs(Game Doctors) are cooperating and developing the most effective learning program for our learners by balancing learning elements and interactive elements.

PLanguage Lab will never stop our research and development until people around world can speak various languages like a native speaker.

Speak Korean at PLanguage,
where communication situations are
made realistically and with lots of variety!

In most classes, students learn a language with a prepared script. Teachers explain it and students practice the expressions. As a result, students learn limited expressions and vocabulary, which may not be commonly used in the real-life situations.

However, with Plangauge, you will be learning in the Metaverse, where teachers and students can communicate freely using real-life expressions. We continue to develop infinite situations from daily life situations (i.e. at a convenience store, a restaurant) to exploring outer space where you can have a wide variety of conversations.

To understand and speak a language, learning the best expression for the right situation and distinguishing the subtle differences among similar expressions are much more important than just memorizing and accumulating many expressions and vocabularies as ‘knowledge’. That is why you need to learn real Korean in the PLanguage Metaverse!

Talk with a native speaker
in various situations with different topics!   

(주) 플레이랭귀지 ㅣ Play-Language

T. +82 2 336 0213



A. 802, 28, Tojeong-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

ⓒ 2022. PlayLanguage All rights reserved.

대표자: 전훈철

사업자등록번호: 799-88-01975

통신판매업신고: 제2022-서울마포-1602호

계좌: 신한 140-013-766544 (주)플레이랭귀지 전훈철

Learn to speak Korean like a mother tongue with PLanguage.

Why is it difficult to learn a foreign language? 
It is because we are studying it not as ‘a tool to express things and understand others’, but as ‘a way to
accumulate knowledge in the head.’

At PLanguage Lab, we believe that a foreign language should be communicatively effective as how languages work in
real life. To do so, we should learn the language the way we learned our native language. This is why the PLanguage Lab is developing our very own methods of learning. We are also creating various effective language courses based on different teaching theories such as The Natural Approach, Total Physical Response, and  Communicative Language Teaching.

In order to improve learner’s language competence effectively and systematically, our L.Docs(Linguistic Doctors) and G.Docs(Game Doctors) are cooperating and developing the most effective learning program for our learners by balancing learning elements and interactive elements.

PLanguage Lab will never stop our research and development until people around world can speak various languages like a native speaker.

Speak Korean at PLanguage, where communication situations
are made realistically and with lots of variety!

In most classes, students learn a language with a prepared script. Teachers explain it and students practice the expressions. As a result, students learn limited expressions and vocabulary, which may not be commonly used in the real-life situations.

However, with Plangauge, you will be learning in the Metaverse, where teachers and students can communicate freely using real-life expressions. We continue to develop infinite situations from daily life situations (i.e. at a convenience store, a restaurant) to exploring outer space where you can have a wide variety of conversations.

To understand and speak a language, learning the best expression for the right situation and distinguishing the subtle differences among similar expressions are much more important than just memorizing and accumulating many expressions and vocabularies as ‘knowledge’. That is why you need to learn real Korean in the PLanguage Metaverse!

Talk with a native speaker in various situations with different topics!   

(주) 플레이랭귀지 ㅣ Play-Language

T. +82 2 336 0213



A. 2F, 27, Dongmak-ro 6-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

ⓒ 2022. PlayLanguage All rights reserved.

대표자: 전훈철

사업자등록번호: 799-88-01975

통신판매업신고: 제2022-서울마포-1602호

계좌: 신한 140-013-766544 (주)플레이랭귀지 전훈철